Christopher Drew

Christopher Drew (7)

I'm a pastor in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church serving Faith Presbyterian Church in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

The Real War Against Women

From Kendra Thompson's post, Pro-Child And then, miracle of miracles, I gave birth. Both times, my children were born and I was a wreck. I had high blood pressure, puffy feet, and a scar across my midsection that ached when I moved at all. I…

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Salvation and Resurrection

Photo by Christopher Donald Drew June 4, 2022 Timothy 4:1-5 and John 11:17-27 Introduction When Grandma Drew learned that I had received a call to preach the Word, I distinctly remember what she told me: “Chris, just preach salvation. Just preach salvation.” At the time,…

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Bavinck on God's Names

The name of God in Scripture does not describe God as he exists within himself but God in his revelation and multiple relations to his creatures. This name, however, is not arbitrary: God reveals himself in the way he does because he is who he…

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